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Building Weapons
To build weapons you must store your weapon Jitters into your Weapon Plant.

From your Nerve Center overhead view, you can freely 'drag and drop' Jitters to and from your backpack and buildings. Alternatively, you can point at a building and hit the "F3" hot key to store the appropriate Jitters to a certain facility. If you are not in Nerve Center View, you must be inside a Building's Paddock to store Jitters.

1. Double click on your Weapon Plant to expand the inventory panel. Find the F.P. (Firm Points) icon on your weapons and look at the different values. Your Avatar has two Firm Points, so you can hold weapons with a rating of 1 or 2. Later, you can increase your F.P. rating with certain Armors and Modifiers. Weapons with 5 F.P. or higher can only be used by Rovers, which have varied Firm Points.

Select a Weapon, and click "BUILD".

2. When the weapon is finished building you must enter the paddock to pick it up. Once you touch it, it will transfer to your Weapon Inventory. To change weapons, hit the "C" hot key. This will cycle through any weapons you are carrying. If you try to equip a weapon that has too many Firm Points, you will be given a warning.
You can also equip weapons by opening your Weapons list, and "Dragging and Dropping" it into your weapon slot directly beneath your Avatar's portrait. If you have any armor Jitters, try building an Armor Factory and then some armor, and then equip it on your Avatar in the same way.

Drag and Drop Shortcuts
When moving jitters around from one building to the next or even when in trade mode there are a couple handy shortcuts.

Click on a stack of jitters, hold down left mouse button and drag, it will just drag one at a time.
Hold Control key down and left click drag and it moves the entire stack of jitters.
Hold Shift key down and left click drag and it will take up to 10 jitters at a time.
Hold Control + Shift down and left click drag and it will take half the stack at a time.
Hold Alt + Shift down and left click drag and it will take up to 5 jitters at a time.

» Onto Building Rovers

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