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World Map and being Locked

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16. World map and being Locked

If your last camp is conquered, you will need to go to the Teleport Perimeter and emergency teleport. You will be brought to a Corporate Admin common area. At this point, you will be granted a new land deed, and will be able to Stake Claim to a new plot of land. You will also be given a new Replacement Nerve Center, 5 Transium Wells, all corporate construction facilities, and V$25,000. This is all you will receive, so try to grab as much as you can before you emergency teleport to the Common Area. When you claim your new plot of land, you will also be granted Corporate Defenses again, so you can rebuild your base camp. The below steps explain the worldmap and staking claim

  • Active Quadrants grid lines are White.
  • Inactive Quadrant grid lines are Light Green.
  • Current Selected Quadrant grid line is Red.

Select a Quadrant and Click the magnifying glass tool to the right of the display to zoom into that Quadrant.

Colored squares are claimed camps. Click on one of the Sectors that has unclaimed camps, then click again on the "+" magnifying glass, which will take you to Camp Select View.

You must now click on an unoccupied region. An unoccupied region is a square that has no icon on it. You cannot claim a plot of land that has an icon. It is a good idea to choose a plot of land next to your allies. Everyone in your corporation is your ally. Everyone else is your enemy. If you choose a plot of land in enemy territory, you will likely be attacked very quickly.

Each colored icon represents who it is occupied by.

  • No color is an unoccupied region. You may "Stake Claim" to one of these regions. These are the only regions you can Stake Claim to.
  • Yellow is ToyCo.
  • Red is eXtreme.
  • Blue is InfraStruct.
  • Green is BruteForce.
  • UN icons (Purple). These regions are common to all Avatars. UN regions are safe no-fire zones, and are hubs or trade and commerce.
  • UNRep icons (Purple) is a UN Support Representative. They are there to help you. These are NOT no-fire zones. They are owned by Trustees.
  • Colored icons with a small black square (not shown) are Corporate Common areas (Admins). You may only enter Corporate Common areas that are the same Corporation as yourself. They are safe no-fire zones.
  • Planet icon (Black and Shaded Regions) are owned by Visitor. These are abandoned or conquered camps.

When you have chosen a plot of land you will be see a button labeled "STAKE CLAIM" to the right of your display. Click it, and you will teleport to your new camp.

Onto Teleporting


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