Corporation Availability Category Hit Points Durability Damage Resistance Firmpoints Bulk TU Upkeep Build Cost
InfraStruct Common Armor +140 5 -30% BE/BL/FL 0 11 0 TU
75 TU
Twelve woven layers of construction-grade plastic, compressive synthetic fibers, and aluminum are sandwiched between two thick layers of hardened steel to form this incredibly flexible defensive material. Layered armor offers good resistance to most weapon types with a minimal reduction in movement.
Fast fun, MMO thats both a FPS and a RTS game. A MMORTS that allows you to build the world around you, a true collectible economy. A MMORTS that paved the way for others. The first MMORTS/FPS, and still the only truly persi
stent state world(PSW) MMORTS game out there.