Corporation Availability Category Class Hit Points Durability Storage TU Upkeep Build Cost
InfraStruct Limited Building Production 1800 2 200 jitters 5 TU
110 TU
The Rover Yard is used to build Rovers. Rovers are vehicles you can build to defend and maintain your base. Rovers can be given a variety of orders for attack and defense. Please note that your Rovers are defenseless until you equip them with a weapon and armor. When you have a weapon available, you can simply drag and drop it onto the Rover. The weapon a Rover can carry is limited by its FirmPoint size and weapon class. You can also drag and drop armor and certain modifiers onto your Rovers as well.
Fast fun, MMO thats both a FPS and a RTS game. A MMORTS that allows you to build the world around you, a true collectible economy. A MMORTS that paved the way for others. The first MMORTS/FPS, and still the only truly persi
stent state world(PSW) MMORTS game out there.