Corporation Availability Category Class Hit Points Durability Damage Fire Rate Range Radius Accuracy TU Upkeep TU/Shot Build Cost
eXtreme Rare Building Turret 1900 3 95 1 burst/sec 180 m 25 m N/A 30 TU 3 TU/burst
300 TU
eXtreme rivals Infrastruct technology with the new Hellpit. This turret is almost completely concealed underground, with only the motion sensor protruding. This motion sensors can detect the slightest movement and vibrations within its range. The Hellpit creates an area of unstable geothermic activity on the surface, and its subterranean pistons can focus this geothermic energy to one target.
Fast fun, MMO thats both a FPS and a RTS game. A MMORTS that allows you to build the world around you, a true collectible economy. A MMORTS that paved the way for others. The first MMORTS/FPS, and still the only truly persi
stent state world(PSW) MMORTS game out there.