Project Visitor In Game Commands
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In Game Commands
%worldchat - Toggles Worldchat on/off
%corpchat - Toggles CorpChat on/off
%wc {msg} - Type this command and a message after to speak in worldchat. (default key is 'O')
%cc {msg} - Type this command and a message after to speak to your corporation. (default key is 'P')
%chatfilter - Turns chatfilter on/off
%ignorelist - Display the players that you are ignoring
%ignoreadd {playername} - This command followed by the players name (lowercase is fine) will add this player to your ignore list.
%ignoreremove {playername} - This command followed by the players name (lowercase is fine) will remove the player from your ignore list.
%yell {Playername} - To Private message a player, Example %yell TheMartian Hi.
%tutorial - Toggles newbie tutorial on/off
%clear - Sends the All clear alert to your mdn along with the camp id your in.
%version - Display the version of the game.
%ping - Get what the servers thinks your last ping was. (updates every 5 seconds or so)
%stats - Get your assets, V$'s, avatars tanked, camps owned, camps conquered, and game time played. (updates once per login)
%jits - count of jits in current camp (built and not built, not including those on avatar)
%mousescroll - turn mouse edge scrolling on and off for maps/windows
%calc - as calculator to do a calculation for you, use '%calc ?' for help
%lock - lock your main
%unlock - unlock you main
%help - Display the commands list.
%prod - Will display actual camp production, wells, and turret count.
%level {level number} - Will display stats related to supplied level number
%targetcursor - Turn targeting cursor on and off. Handy for screenshots and videos.